Fairy Playdough

My children are grown. I look back with fond memories on their childhood. We made homemade play dough for fun and educational activities. I ran across this recipe and wanted to pass it on to you.

 Playdough is wonderful fun for kids. It’s great for fine motor development and open-ended play. This fairy playdough recipe with 3 ingredients, is so easy to make you can almost hand it over to your child to do themselves. We called this ‘fairy dough’ because of its soft texture and the imaginative play that came from using it. Great fun! Learn more.


Keeping Track Of Ideas

How to you keep track of your ideas when you are out and about? This article provides some tips for recording thoughts as they happen. Be sure to read the comments left by readers for more ideas.

The first rule of inspiration is that the best ideas come to you in the precise moment when you are least equipped to write them down.

How do you make sure you don’t lose those ideas? How do you keep track of them? Learn more.


Advice From Homeschooled Kids

Today I’d like to feature an article written for homeschool parents. It is insightful.

Homeschooling advice from a parent to parent is typically helpful and appreciated, but, have you ever wondered what advice a homeschooled kid would give to a homeschooling parent? It’s their education. We need to be asking them what they think.

So, I did. Here’s what they had to say – homeschooled kids’ advice for homeschooling parents. Learn more.


Homemade Math Manipulatives

I homeschooled my children for many years. We made as many educational tools as possible. This featured article provides some helpful tips for parents teaching their children math.

In my search for said items, I went for a stroll through our local teacher supply store and was just completely awed by all the cool gadgets, toys, and gizmos that we refer to as “manipulatives”. As I mentioned before I have a couple of kids who require the use of manipulatives to “get” the concept prior to committing the process to memory so I know how expensive it can be to purchase these items. So, I have compiled a list of alternatives to the pricey manipulatives. Learn More.


Homeschooled Classifieds

Homeschooled Classifieds is a great place to purchase used curriculum, teaching tools, and other resources. They even list groups and activities by state.

We are one of the largest sites on the web for buying and selling new and used homeschool materials, and for finding and announcing homeschool groups, activities, and events.

We invite you to explore the listings that thousands of other homeschoolers have entered, sorted into various categories. We also encourage you to add your own page — listing items for sale, items wanted, homeschool advice, and related groups and events in your area. Learn more.
