
Here’s an interesting take on the need for an editor.

The short answer to the above question we most often hear is this: Yes. Every book needs an editor. And while Joe gave us a nice set of tools for self-editing last week, I’d like to take a moment to answer this question on a more philosophical level.

I spend a lot of time on Facebook. And one day I floated the idea that not every writer and every book needs an editor.

That’s right. I said it. Learn more.


Motivation for Writers

Today I’m featuring an article for writers that is an interesting read. Enjoy!
Some days we writers feel like we’re Down for the Count—DFC Zone. You know what I’m talking about. It’s the ugly stepsister to creativity. When it hits, we call for a tow truck to get rid of our writing goals.
            We’re whipped.
            Wanna quit.   
            Hungry for the wrong reasons.          
            Family not cooperating.
            Not sleeping or sleeping all the time.
            Holidays have us stressed to the max.
Have I touched on your complaint yet? Learn more.

Writing From Life Experiences

Life isn’t easy. It hands us both good and life experiences. Those experiences mold us that we draw upon to use in our stories. This article highlights that.

Each of us has certain talents and abilities; that’s life.  Some are good with numbers, others are good with athletics, and some are good with music.  As I’ve gone through life, I’ve always enjoyed writing and putting my thoughts on paper.  However, I never knew how big of an impact writing would have on my life.

I’ve gone through two life-altering car crashes.  The first, I was a victim in; the second, I was responsible for.  After suffering major head trauma as a result of the first crash, I was counseled to do some journaling as a form of therapy.  I began journaling and writing about my emotions and challenges and the words continued to flow onto the computer screen. Miraculously, after extensive therapy, my mental capabilities returned to their normal levels!   Learn more.


Thanking Writers

Here’s an article that thanks writers for all their hard work. If you are a writer and need encouragement, read this one.

One of the great joys of winter to me, besides the holidays, is carving out some extra time for me. I’m a lover of hot chocolate. I love to read. I believe these two were made for each other.

That extra time I’ve carved out I spend curled up in my favorite chair, with a light blanket, a book and a cup of hot chocolate. Now I am ready for the author to transport me into whatever world they’ve chosen to send me. This time for me is comforting, enjoyable and relaxing. Learn more.



Once a writer finishes her novel, she spends a great deal of time revising and editing. This article provides some helpful tips on rewriting.

A lot of the writer’s craft time is spent on the macro side of things – does the story follow an arc? Does the character change from beginning to end? Do my scenes have conflict? Move the story forward? Are all of them necessary? But the macro edit is only step one in the editing process.

Next comes the Micro Edit. Learn more.



Staying Focused

With the holidays upon us, it is very important to stay focused on what matters.

You know what they say . . . “A picture is worth a thousand words.” But what if the picture was blurry and out of focus? It’s worthless.
Or is it?

Have you noticed when you first press the screen on your phone to take a picture, it goes fuzzy before taking the perfect, clear shot? It has to go out of focus before going into focus.

Lately, I’ve been feeling the same thing about my writing. Unfocused. I settle in to write and find myself getting distracted. Ding! Was that an email? Learn more.


Time Management Ideas

Here’s a great article on time management for writers.

A blog is due. Contest entries to be judged. Editing due for a client. Writing in my own book. After all, it’s NaNoWriMo month. The next book to be plotted. A book release. An online course to complete. A deadline I kind of forgot to put on my schedule. Not to mention all those pesky things called Life that call to be done, like laundry, dinner, and sleep.

I’m sure none of my readers have ever been in this situation, where there are too many demands and not enough hours. Just for fun—or was it madness—I listed all the things I need to do, and the time it will take to complete them, and I came up with 42 hours. Learn more.


Killer Nashville

Here is a fun article about a writer who went to a mystery writing conference.

I recently attended, for the first time, Killer Nashville conference, and I thought some readers might like to hear about this event. It was a 4-day conference at a really decent price, held in a large, swanky hotel in downtown Nashville, Tennessee. The conference is geared toward writers of crime, mystery, suspense, thriller, and the like. I wanted to go because of the forensic classes and mock crime scene. Tell me there’s a dead body, and I’m there.


While I didn’t attend the Thursday sessions, there was a session on Thursday afternoon presented by an agent on how to acquire an agent, as well as a wine tasting event; both required the purchase of a ticket. Learn more.


Self-Care For Writers

Cec Murphy is running a series for writers on self-care. It is worth the hop over there to read each blog post.

“Why do you polish your tools every time after you use them?” I asked my dad when I was about six years old.

“Makes them last longer.” Dad was a man of few words, but I understood. At the time it seemed like a lot of extra work. When I was older I understood the lesson. As I thought about this topic, the principle applies. If I care for myself—my body, my mind, my spirit—every part of myself—I’ll survive and be productive much longer. Learn more.


Believable Characters

It is important to create believable characters for our stories. This article provides some helpful ideas.

I often remember that long-ago moment, cradling my infant in awe and wonder, when I create new characters.
The basics, we all know, are dictated by genre: A murder mystery requires a victim, a criminal, and a crime-solver; a romance needs the boy who gets the girl.

But how does one simple label become a living character in our imaginations and in our readers’ hearts? Learn more.
